SOTUS The Series
The "Gear" is one of the cogwheel system's mechanical engineering parts (as in a clock). If you have one, it means you are in the Faculty of Engineering. To get one, however, all first-year engineering students must first go through the SOTUS system, which stands for Seniority, Order, Tradition, Unity, and Spirit. One of the third-year seniors, Arthit (Perawat Sangpotirat), often uses his power over the freshmen to get them to do things that are against the rules. Freshmen students can't really complain or refuse to do what their seniors tell them to do. Arthit seemed like he couldn't be stopped, but then Kongpob (Prachaya Ruangroj) stood up to him. The more they saw each other, the less they hated each other and the more they liked each other.
Released: 2016-08-20